πŸ› How to place an order on Storeyza?

Very simple ! Simply click on the β€œ Add to cart ” button from the page of the product you wish to order, and finally click on the β€œ Proceed to payment ” button.

πŸ’³ What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all payments by VISA, Master Card, American Express and Paypal.

πŸ”’ Is my information secure?

Perfectly! The safety of our customers is a top priority . For this, all payments are secured by our partners Stripe and Paypal.

🚚 What are your delivery times?

All our orders are dispatched within 1 to 2 business days, Monday to Friday. For information only, delivery times are 7 to 15 working days.

πŸ“¦ How do I track my package?

Very simply! You can track your package in real time using your order number (delivered by email) from our β€œ Track my order ” section or by clicking on this link .

πŸ”™ What is your return policy?

For any problem upon receipt of your package, we offer you the possibility of easily returning your products to our premises by post.

Please review our refund and return policy by clickinghere

To make a return, contact us by email at *contact@storeyza.com* by inserting β€œ [RETURN] ” in the subject of the email.

πŸ‘ What are your guarantees and terms?

All our products are guaranteed in the event of malfunction upon receipt.

In order to benefit from your guarantee if your product does not work correctly or is damaged upon receipt, contact us by email at * contact@storeyza.com * by inserting β€œ [RETURN] ” in the subject of the email.

☎️ How to contact you quickly?

You can contact us 24/7 by writing to us from our β€œ Contact ” section or by clicking here .

Our 100% French support team will respond to you within 2 hours of your request, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or within 24 hours maximum outside these hours.