Les effets de la marijuana sur le cerveau des adolescents : ce que vous devez savoir

The Effects of Marijuana on the Teen Brain: What You Need to Know

With marijuana rapidly becoming legal in many countries, it seems appropriate to spend some time discussing the effects of cannabis on teenagers. Many people assume that marijuana use is not a big deal. For adults who occasionally smoke a joint, this is probably not the case. However, marijuana use among teenagers is problematic. There are several important reasons why teenagers should avoid marijuana, which I have listed below:

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1. Brain damage
Exposure to marijuana in teens can damage the brain, leading to permanent loss of cognitive skills and IQ points. Since the adolescent brain is still developing, marijuana is not safe during adolescence.

2. Mental health issues
Marijuana use among teens can cause mental health problems, including addiction, depression, paranoia, and psychosis. Yes, marijuana is an addictive drug.

3. Legality
Marijuana use is illegal in some countries and prohibited under the age of 21 in others. Young people who use marijuana recreationally can be prosecuted, which can result in a permanent criminal record that will negatively affect their academic and career plans.

4. Driving under the influence
Driving while impaired by marijuana can cause serious and fatal accidents, just like alcohol. Marijuana impairs motor control, coordination, judgment, reaction time and tracking ability.

5. Risks to lung health
Marijuana smoke is harmful and can damage the lungs, just like cigarette smoke. Vaporizers and hookahs do not remove toxins from the lungs.

6. Academic skills
Marijuana impairs skills needed for academic success, including memory, concentration, attention and problem solving.

7. Consequences for education and health
Teens who use marijuana are less likely to complete high school and college, and they are more likely to try harder drugs and attempt suicide. These effects increase proportionally with dose.

    In summary, marijuana use among adolescents is problematic and should be avoided. Policy makers should consider these issues when developing guidelines regarding marijuana use.

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