Comment sevrer la tétine : conseils pratiques pour parents

How to wean off the pacifier: practical advice for parents

The risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is highest between the ages of two and four months. Studies show that using pacifiers reduces this risk. That’s why I generally recommend starting pacifier weaning after four months of age. But when is it time to say goodbye to the pacifier? The best time to stop is when you find yourself running around your child’s room all night trying to get the pacifier back in place. At this point, the pacifier becomes more of a hindrance to sleep than a help.

For children three years of age or older, prolonged use of the pacifier may have adverse effects on the shape of the palate. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to wean children from the pacifier before the age of three.

What is the best way to wean off the pacifier?

Parents often wonder how to wean a pacifier. In my experience, the easiest and most effective method is to do it all at once, without any transition. Collect all the pacifiers, throw them away, and never look back. If you no longer have pacifiers in the house, the temptation to reintroduce them will no longer exist. Yes, your child may cry for a day or two, especially at nap time or bedtime, but he will quickly learn to fall asleep without the pacifier.

Tips for a smooth weaning process

For your information, some families like to turn this step into a special moment. They place the pacifiers in a box wrapped for the "pacifier fairy", who leaves a gift in exchange.

If the radical method doesn't work for you, you can also limit pacifier use to naptime and bedtime. Some parents gradually cut off the pacifier with scissors until it's unusable. One father even nailed his child's last pacifier to a wall, forcing the toddler to face the wall every time he tried to use it. While creative, these methods can send mixed messages to the child.


In my opinion, the “all or nothing” method remains the simplest and most effective way to wean people off the pacifier.

To learn more about the importance of pacifier weaning and its impact on your child's health, check out this article .

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