Comment traiter l'acné chez les adolescents : conseils essentiels pour les parents

How to Treat Teen Acne: Essential Tips for Parents

One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer to parents of teens with acne is to start treatment as early as possible, before the acne progresses and becomes severe.

Mild Acne

For mild acne, parents can purchase over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide, as well as Differin . Differin is a mild topical retinoid (Retin A), available over the counter since 2016. All topical Retin A treatments cause skin irritation and peeling, so they should be applied sparingly and with moisturizer, preferably before bedtime. If skin becomes too irritated, it is recommended to apply the medication every other day.

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Moderate Acne

Teens with moderate acne should see their pediatrician to discuss starting prescription topical antibiotics, such as Duac and Benzaclin . These treatments combine benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin. Oral tetracyclines, such as Doxycycline and Minocycline , are also effective for treating moderate to severe acne, especially when the acne is on the back. Topical and oral antibiotics are often combined with a retinoid such as Retin A for best results. It is important to take Doxycycline with a full glass of water to prevent the tablet from getting stuck in the esophagus, which can cause painful esophagitis.

Severe Cystic or Nodular Acne

For children with severe acne in the form of cysts or nodules, it is essential to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Early treatment with Accutane (oral retinoid) can help prevent lifelong scarring. Accutane is a true miracle drug that can quickly treat severe acne. Because of its potential side effects, including liver inflammation, Accutane is not typically prescribed by general pediatricians. However, the risk of developing liver problems is low and should not deter people from starting treatment. Because Accutane is associated with birth defects, teenage girls on this medication are often put on birth control. This combination is also beneficial because birth control pills help regulate hormones and reduce acne.

To learn more about acne treatments and skin care, check out this in-depth guide .

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